The Reading Doctor has many specialist teaching centres within schools in the UK, we call these our ‘School Hubs’. We work with schools to identify and put targeted intervention in place for those pupils who need it the most.
Find the School Hub near you, get in touch with us. To date, The Reading Doctor has supported many schools through OFSTED and has received high praise and recognition on both occasions. Download a brochure or contact us to book a Zoom call to find out what The Reading Doctor can do for your school.

What is The Reading Doctor?
The Reading Doctor is an intervention programme with inbuilt diagnostic assessment, delivered using a bespoke set of resources, by a trained reading specialist. The programme and resources have been devised by Deborah Salsbury, a Reading Recovery teacher.
It is for children who have received quality teaching, including phonics, but still have not got to grips with reading due to barriers to learning.
As educators, we must ask ourselves, are we doing the best that we possibly can for ALL
Are our pupils reaching the required levels for reading?
Are we doing enough to make sure the lowest attaining pupils are making progress?
Are all teachers nurturing a love of reading?
Do our teachers have sufficient expertise?
Are our reading resources of high-quality and matched to the different learning needs of our pupils?
Which children benefit from The Reading Doctor Intervention?
The Reading Doctor is an intervention for the lowest attaining 20% of pupils.
During all inspections of infant, junior, primary and lower-middle schools, inspectors must focus on how well pupils are taught to read as a main inspection activity. They will pay particular attention to pupils who are reading below age-related expectations (the lowest 20%) to assess how well the school is teaching phonics and supporting all children to become confident, fluent readers.
Inspectors will listen to several low-attaining pupils in Years 1 to 3 read from unseen books appropriate to their stage of progress. They should also draw on information from the school’s policy for teaching reading, phonics assessments, phonics.