07800 534920
From learning to read using an supposedly innovative reading scheme devised in the 1970’s aged 5 and then having to relearn to read again aged 7, reading has always provided me with intrigue and great interest.
Teaching was my calling from a young age, working with children at my mother’s preschool at every opportunity. It was natural for me to head off to teacher training as soon as I could.
I have been in education for the last 29 years. I graduated with a Bachelor of Education from Nottingham Trent University. Apart from a year working as an elementary school teacher in Philadelphia, USA on a Fulbright Scholarship exchange programme, I have always taught in Bromley. I helped set up and grow a brand-new primary school where I became an Early Years and KS1 teacher, then SENCO and most recently Assistant Head and Inclusion Manager. I achieved my Post Graduate Certificate in SEN (NASENCO award) and am completing my Post Graduate Certificate in Dyslexia at present. I have gained the reputation in the local area as being incredibly inclusive in all aspects of my job and have been a guest speaker at local SEN forums.
The most rewarding part of my job is enabling children to meet their full potential and as a Reading Doctor I strive to help your child do just that.
Throughout my time in schools, I have seen first-hand the struggles that many children have with reading. Reading allows a child to access the world and allow imaginations to go on wonderful journeys.
No child’s mental health should suffer due to difficulties with reading.
I also believe that all children are unique and learn in a way that works for them. The Reading Doctor techniques allow this to happen and has amazing outcomes.
I am so excited to work with your child and help them unlock their pathways to success.
Enjoying reading starts here!